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Mental Health


Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:

Mental Health - Bainbridge State Hospital - Publication Record Set Files

Identifier: 082-14-054
Scope and Contents

!987, A Short History of Bainbridge (5 copies)

Dates: 1987

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Council of Directors Minutes

Identifier: 082-03-057
Scope and Contents These minutes of the Council of Directors of the Central State Hospital are of the outline type and very often are not more than one page in length. A typical meeting's minutes might include: (1) a list of attendees (2) an announcement of approval or amendment of the previous meeting's minutes (3) brief outlines of the major items discussed including purchases of new supplies (4) security problems (5) various committee reports (6) policy changes (7) projections of future directions...
Dates: Created: 1974-1977

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Gdhr Bulletin of Current Research (Publication)

Identifier: 082-03-037
Scope and Contents This bulletin is published by the Research Section, Department of Planning, Evaluation, Research and Training of Central State Hospital as a service to all divisions of the Department of Human Resources. The bulletin is composed of abstracts of current research projects that staff members of the many divisions of the department are engaged in. The Office of the Coordinator of Research, Georgia Department of Human Resources, solicits these abstracts and invites all units of G.D.H.R. to submit...
Dates: Created: 1977

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Internal Committees Minutes

Identifier: 082-03-015
Scope and Contents This series contains the minutes of the several internal committees of the Central State Hospital in Milledgeville. Besides providing a record of what business was conducted by each committee, it is interesting merely to note the existence of such a varied and extensive number of committees. It is important also to distinguish between the minutes of two committees of the same name which were organized in different divisions of the vast hospital complex. For example, there is a coordinating...
Dates: Created: 1975-1985

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Manpower Survey and Staffing Criteria Files

Identifier: 082-03-058
Scope and Contents

This series includes reports, studies, memorandums and similar documents which are related to onsite and other manpower appraisals and staffing studies, many of which often include comments and justifications for conclusions reached. The records document one of the chief functions of the Manpower Division of Central State Hospital in its unceasing search for improved management practices within the various branches of the vast hospital complex.

Dates: Created: 1972-1973

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Organizational Charts

Identifier: 082-03-003
Scope and Contents Many State agencies publish organizational charts in order to clarify the intricate chains of command and the multiplicity of divisions and subdivisions within these agencies. Many charts are published in the Official and Statistical Register to aid the public and other state officials in dealing with those agencies. Central State Hospital is the largest institution of its kind in the State and consequently needs to point up the organization of its many divisions. This series contains these...
Dates: Created: 1973-1973

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Policy and Procedure Memoranda

Identifier: 082-03-006
Scope and Contents

These policy and procedure memorandums are circular letters issued by the Central State Hospital to all employees outlining new policies and procedures.

Dates: Created: 1973-1981

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Records Management Directives

Identifier: 082-03-001
Scope and Contents

This series contains the Records Management Directives released by the Superintendent of the Hospital to all Department, Division, Unit and Section Heads since the advent of the program. Several have been amended or superseded subsequent to their original release date. Most are numbered and dated, but some are of a general nature as their titles indicate and are not numbered.

Dates: Created: 1972-1973

Mental Health - Central State Hospital - Weekly Bulletin (Publication)

Identifier: 082-03-022
Scope and Contents This series contains a continuation of the record set of the official employee newsletter of the Central State Hospital in Milledgeyille, Georgia, As can be ascertained by the series titles. this publication underwent two name changes since its inception in 1966. The first issue of the Central Georgia Human Resources Center Bulletin appeared on June 5, 1974 and on May 14, 1975 the name was changed again to Central State Hospital Bulletin. Despite these changes, the format has remained...
Dates: Created: 1973-1977

Mental Health - Director's Office - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 082-01-046
Scope and Contents This series consists of originals and copies of (1) correspondence, (2) forms, (3) reports, (4) studies, (5) memos, (6) articles, (7) publications, (8) charts, (9) resolutions, (10) policies, (11) agreements and (12) minutes. These records all concern such subjects as administrative procedures, research, studies, policy statements and other topics as relating to all areas of responsibility and interests of the Division of Mental Health. Being a subject file, these documents contain the...
Dates: Created: 1964-1978

Mental Health - Director's Office - Patterns (Publications)

Identifier: 082-01-041
Scope and Contents

This is a quarterly newsletter of the Division of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. A typical issue numbers eight pages in length and contains brief articles on such subjects as deinstitutionalization programs, alcoholism services, changing roles of the day training center, mobile mental health clinics, news of Division personnel, recommended readings, training sessions pending, office humor and a guest editorial contributed by an expert in the field.

Dates: Created: 1979-1982

Mental Health - Director's Office - Publications

Identifier: 082-01-031
Scope and Contents

The Mental Health Division of the Department of Human Resources was created in 1972. This division was formerly part of the Georgia Department of Public Health. The Act of March 26, 1958 created the division for administrative purposes. It currently is composed of Central State Hospital, the Georgia Retardation Center, Gracewood State School and Hospital, the Georgia Mental Health Institute and other hospitals in the Department of Human Resources.

Dates: Created: 1972-1979

Mental Health - Drug Abuse Services - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 082-07-007
Scope and Contents This series documents the Section Director's administration and implementation of the drug abuse program in Georgia. The program includes the methadone treatment programs, the administration of treatment centers which offer counseling, vocational rehabilitation and job placement services, drug research and evaluation, a drug information center and contract services to non-governmental drug centers. Records in this series include: (1) communications (guidance, directives and inquiries)...
Dates: Created: 1971-1973

Mental Health - Evaluation, Statistics and Planning - Mental Health/Mental Retardation Facility Plan

Identifier: 082-13-048
Scope and Contents This series consists of bound four-year program plans submitted annually by the 10 State mental health and mental retardation institutions, the 34 mental health centers and the 3 consortia presently operating in Georgia under the direction of the Department of Human Resources. Also included is the drug abuse plan for Metro Atlanta and evaluations by the Evaluation, Statistics and Planning Unit of all these plans. These plans, bound per facility or consortium number, generally include (1)...
Dates: Created: FY 1981 - FY 1988

Mental Health - Georgia Mental Health Institute - Annual Reports

Identifier: 082-05-033
Scope and Contents This hospital was started in 1962 when the State Hospital Authority issued revenue bonds for its construction. The purpose of the hospital is to serve as a treatment center for mentally disturbed people and to be used by psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and social workers as a center for learning more about mental illnesses. At that time the Institute was part of the Mental Health Section of the Georgia Department of Public Health. In 1972 this department was transferred to the...
Dates: Created: 1975-1977

Mental Health - Georgia Mental Health Institute - Learning Places (Publication)

Identifier: 082-05-034
Scope and Contents

This is the newsletter of the Institute. Researchers interested in other publications of the Institute should consult Record Groups 26-25-99, and 82-5-33.

Dates: Created: 1977-1977

Mental Health - Georgia Mental Health Institute - Newsletter

Identifier: 082-05-030
Scope and Contents

This weekly publication is prepared by the staff members of the Georgia Mental Health Institute and includes news from the North Georgia Community Mental Health Center, The Northeast Georgia Community Mental Health Center, the Gwinnett-Rockdale Mental Health Service and the North DeKalb Mental Health Center. The publication is primarily an account of the activities of the staffs of the above mentioned institutions and the professional activities in which they take part.

Dates: Created: 1976-1980

Mental Health - Georgia Mental Health Institute - Research Annual Reports

Identifier: 082-05-042
Scope and Contents This series contains an annual report produced by the research staff of the Georgia Mental Health Institute. It should not be confused with the institutional annual report found in Series 33. The report in this series (42) usually contains an organizational chart, a brief introduction, specific reports from the Biological Psychiatry Research Laboratory, Clinical Investigation Unit, Human and Behavioral Genetics Research Laboratory, Cognition Research Laboratory and Sleep Research Laboratory...
Dates: Created: 1974-1980

Mental Health - Georgia Regional Hospital, Augusta - Committee Minutes

Identifier: 082-10-023
Scope and Contents This series contains the minutes of various staff committees of the Georgia Regional Hospital at Augusta. Some of the committees met monthly and others less frequently, but this collection must not be construed as being complete. In most cases, the minutes include a list of those members present at each meeting and a concise summary of the actions taken. Discussions or debates are never included verbatim. The committee names in the list below indicate the varied interests and activities to...
Dates: Created: 1972-1975

Mental Health - Georgia Regional Hospital - Exchange Newsletter

Identifier: 082-06-009
Scope and Contents This series contains a complete set of the serial newsletter of the Georgia Regional Hospital at Atlanta. This publication is entitled The Exchange on all numbers save the first two which bear no titles at ail. As is the case with all such publications, the Exchange contains articles dealing with subjects of interest to the employees of the hospital. Included in a typical number would be articles on (1) pay raises, (2) prospective administrative reorganization, (3) showing appreciation for...
Dates: Created: 1973-1975

Mental Health - Georgia Regional Hospital - Superintendent's Minutes

Identifier: 082-06-010
Scope and Contents This series contains very brief minutes of the meetings of several different staff groups at the hospital and the Mental Health Division in which the superintendent participated. These minutes usually list those individuals who attended the meetings by name or position title and then enumerate the subjects discussed and decisions made. Among subjects covered are: (1) hospital statistics for specific time periods; (2) introductions of new staff members; (3) prospective administrative changes;...
Dates: Created: 1972-1981

Mental Health - Gracewood State School and Hospital - Annual Reports

Identifier: 082-02-036
Scope and Contents (See Record Group 26-10-110 for a brief legislative history of the School.) Gracewood is administered by the Hospital Services Section of the Mental Health Division and is currently organized by divisions as follows :(1) The Administration Division includes the Superintendent's Office, the Business Management Department, the Personnel Department and Public Relations; (2) The Cottage Life Division manages the 1,200 mental retardates living in the 25 cottages and includes the sections of...
Dates: Created: 1971-1972

Mental Health - Mental Retardation - Development Disabilities Project Files

Identifier: 082-12-040
Scope and Contents This series contains the case files of projects temporarily funded under Public Law 91-517 to begin the training and care of children and adults with developmental disabilities. These disabilities include mental retardation, epilepsy, hearing impairment, cerebral palsy, and others. Before the departmental reorganization of 1972, the administration of these funds and the approval of projects was performed by the Mental Health Division of the Department of Public Health. The projects provided...
Dates: Created: FY71-FY84

Mental Health - Northwest Georgia Regional Hospital - Superintendent's Subject Files

Identifier: 082-11-027
Scope and Contents This series contains (1) correspondence from official and private sources and the superintendent's responses thereto, (2) memorandums and other statements documenting policies and decisions not necessarily in the official minutes, (3) papers related to the therapeutic, clinical training and research interests of the institution, (4) papers reflecting the superintendent's actions on medical, administrative and personnel services, (5) documents reflecting manpower and training actions and...
Dates: Created: 1971-1976

Mental Health - Southwestern State Hospital - Annual Reports

Identifier: 082-09-024
Scope and Contents This series contains the annual reports of the Southwestern State Hospital in Thomasville, its affiliate, Bainbridge State Hospital, and outpatient facilities in Albany and Valdosta. A typical issue might contain short narrative reports from the following divisions: (1) Activity Therapies (2) Public Information (3) Nursing Education (4) Social Work Services (5) Volunteer Resources (6) Business Office (7) Engineering and Plant Operations (8) Personnel (9) Food Service (10) Security (11)...
Dates: Created: 1972-1977

Mental Health - Southwestern State Hospital - Mental Health Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 082-09-050
Scope and Contents This series consists of original and photocopied material relating to all areas of responsibility and interest of the Division of Mental Health. Included are (not an inclusive list) forms, reports, studies, memos, etc. concerning such subjects as administrative procedures, research, studies, policy statements and related material. The Division of Mental Health, headed by the Director, is responsible for administering, supervising and regulating the programs of the State which involve the...
Dates: Created: 1969-1988

Mental Health - Southwestern State Hospital - Publication Record Set Files

Identifier: 082-09-025
Scope and Contents This series contains the staff newsletter published by and for the personnel and patients of the Southwestern State Hospital in Thomasville and its affiliate, Bainbridge State Hospital. A typical five-page issue might contain: (1) announcements of promotional opportunities and job vacancies (2) reminders to personnel of hospital rules (3) memorandums from hospital officials (4) personal notes including welcomes to new employees, thank-you's, etc. (5) a chaplain's meditation page (6) weekly...
Dates: Created: 1972-1991

Mental Health - West Central Georgia Regional Hospital - Committee Minutes

Identifier: 082-08-019
Scope and Contents This series contains the minutes of various staff committees of the West Central Georgia Regional Hospital in Columbus. Some of the committees met monthly and others less frequently. In most cases the minutes include a list of those members present at a particular meeting and a concise summary of the actions taken. Discussions or debates are never included verbatim. The committee names in the finding aid indicate the varied interests and activities to which the West Central Georgia Regional...
Dates: Created: 1974-1976

Mental Health - West Central Georgia Regional Hospital - News Releases

Identifier: 082-08-039
Scope and Contents

This series contains news releases issued by the Office of the Superintendent of the West Central Georgia Regional Hospital in Columbus. Among the subjects addressed might be staff changes, new and revised programs offered at the hospital and new facilities constructed or dedicated at the institution. As is usual with such records, they were designed to be copied by the various weekly or daily newspapers in the State and to be utilized by radio and television stations as well.

Dates: Created: 1975-1977

Mental Health - West Central Georgia Regional Hospital - Wcgrh Bulletin

Identifier: 082-08-028
Scope and Contents This weekly newsletter is edited by and for the employees of the West Central Georgia Regional Hospital with headquarters in Columbus. A typical Issue might contain (1) a short biography of a selected employee, (2) chaplain’s corner, (3) humor, (4) summaries of committee meetings, (5) announcements of upcoming events, (6) announcements of rules and regulations and changes thereto, (7) personal news concerning employees in the various hospital units grouped by unit, (8) news of hospital...
Dates: Created: 1975-1978