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Showing Collections: 2901 - 2950 of 4126

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Convicts At Individual Camps Registers

Identifier: 021-01-006
Scope and Contents These registers were kept by the officials at the individual camps. For each convict, the following is included: (1) name; (2) crime; (3) term of sentence; (4) when received; (5) expiration date of sentence; (6) the county from which convicted; (7) date of discharge; (8) escape, death or pardon; (9) age; (10) complexion, height, weight, color of eyes and hair; (11) date of recapture, and (12) remarks. The amount of information filed under each of the above column headings varies from book...
Dates: Created: 1871-1910
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Convicts In Prison Camp Hospitals Weekly Registers

Identifier: 021-01-009
Scope and Contents These registers contain a weekly record of all persons in the camp hospitals, giving the: (1) names of patients remaining from the previous week and new admissions; (2) their illness; (3) age; (4) sex; (5) race; (6) the date returned to duty; (7) the number remaining in the hospital, and (8) the total number of convicts in the camp. Only the name of the convict, the illness and the number of convicts in each camp, however, are consistently indicated. The name of the camp physician is given...
Dates: Created: 1888-1907
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Convicts Monthly Reports

Identifier: 021-01-007
Scope and Contents

These monthly reports by the lessees of convicts to the Prison Commission give the name of the camp and the contractor, followed by an alphabetical listing of the convicts including: (1) race, (2) age, (3) crime, (4) county of conviction, (5) length of sentence, (6) date received and discharged, and (7) remarks (the latter usually left blank). The reports were put into binders by the Prison Commission.

Dates: Created: 1898-1900
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Convicts Punished Monthly Reports

Identifier: 021-01-012
Scope and Contents

These monthly reports give the name and location of the camp and the month at the top of the page. For each convict punished is indicated the name, date, cause or offense, and extent of the punishment. See RGSGSERIES 21-1-11 for similar material.

Dates: Created: 1901-1909
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Corporal Punishment Monthly Reports

Identifier: 021-01-011
Scope and Contents These reports were submitted to the Principal Keeper by the officers in charge of the individual camps. They give the name of the convicts punished, the date, the type and extent of the punishment, and the offense for which punished. Also included is a statement about the diet furnished the convicts and other remarks concerning the health and well-being of the prisoners. The reports are notarized and signed by the officer in charge of the camp. Similar information for a later period is...
Dates: Created: 1884-1889
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Employees Time Books

Identifier: 021-01-017
Scope and Contents

The entries in these books are arranged by month. For each month, the names and job titles of the guards and other employees are listed, showing for each day of the month whether or not the employee worked and the total salary paid him for the month.

Dates: Created: 1899-1909
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Governor's Pardons and Commutations Orders

Identifier: 021-01-015
Scope and Contents These books contain the Principal Keeper's recorded copies of the Governor's Executive Orders granting pardons and commuting sentences. The original orders appear in the Governor's Executive Minute Books (RGSGSERIES 1-1-3). Each order gives: (1) the name of the convict, (2) his crime, (3) the county of conviction, (4) the length of his sentence, (5) amount of time served, (6) the reason for the pardon, and (7) the order of the Principal Keeper to discharge the prisoner. In the volumes...
Dates: Created: 1873-1886
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Leased Convicts Account Book

Identifier: 021-01-013
Scope and Contents

This book, apparently kept by the Principal Keeper, records the amount due the State by lessees for the hire of convicts. Each lessee's convicts are listed for given periods of time showing the amount due the State for each convict. At the end of each list is the total due and often a statement of when the account was sent to the State Comptroller General for collection.

Dates: Created: 1872-1876
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Misc. Records

Identifier: 021-01-019
Scope and Contents Included in this series are: (1) photocopies of Published Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly concerning the Penitentiary, reproduced from Georgia Law; (2) a few items of correspondence. Most are letters by prison camp officials to the Principal Keeper notifying him of the appointment of "Whipping Bosses" and requesting approval of the appointments; (3) four Grand Jury presentments from Polk, Dade, Fulton and Walker counties commenting on conditions in convict camps in these...
Dates: Created: 1816-1909
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Misdemeanor Chain Gangs Monthly Reports

Identifier: 021-01-008
Scope and Contents These monthly reports to the Prison Commission give the county and name of operator of the various chain gangs followed by lists of the convicts showing: (1) county of conviction; (2) age; (3) race; (4) sex; (5) crime; (6) date received; (7) term of sentence; (8) date of discharge; (9) death, escape, recapture, pardon and casualties; (10) conduct; (11) offense for which punishment was meted out, and (12) giving the date and extent or nature of the punishment. Each report usually contains the...
Dates: Created: 1898-1901
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Principal Keeper's Annual Reports

Identifier: 021-01-001
Scope and Contents These printed annual or biennial reports by the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary to the Governor and the General Assembly summarize the condition of the Penitentiary and its inmates. In addition to a narrative evaluation, the reports contain several tables which give detailed information concerning the convicts, such as lists of the convicts, type of crimes for which they were sentenced, counties they came from, and their nativity. Reports by the Bookkeeper in which he presents the...
Dates: Created: 1852-1897
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Prison Commission's Penitentiary Reports

Identifier: 021-01-040
Dates: Created: 1897-1936
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Rations and Clothing Daily Records

Identifier: 021-01-016
Scope and Contents

Seven of these volumes give for each day the number of prisoners at the camps and a daily accounting of the quantity of various items of food, clothing, tobacco, soap, kerosene oil and similar items furnished to them. The inclu­sive dates vary from book to book. The information is arranged by camp (with one to three camps in each volume) and then by date.

Dates: Created: 1884-1909
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Receipts

Identifier: 021-01-018
Scope and Contents The receipts for money paid out cover: (1) payments to discharged convicts, (2) payments to persons bringing convicts from county courts to the penitentiary, and (3) payments to employees for salaries and payments to suppliers for equipment purchased. The receipts for raw materials and manufactured articles delivered cover the delivery of these materials by one penitentiary official to another. They provide a good insight into the nature and extent of prison manufacturing during the period. ...
Dates: Created: 1820-1916
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - State Prison Commission - Registers of Convicts Received, Etc.

Identifier: 021-01-014
Scope and Contents The first volume in this series indicates: (1) the name of the convict; (2) the date of pardon, discharge, death or escape; (3) the name of the camp to which each was assigned; (4) the convict's crime (occasionally). The second volume contains only registers of deaths and discharges showing the convict's: (1) name; (2) race (3) age; (4) county of conviction; (5) date received; (6) date of death or discharge; (7) height, weight and health when received, and (8) the name of the camp to which...
Dates: Created: 1871-1886
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - Training and Development - Assistant Division Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 021-07-031
Scope and Contents This series contains: (1) correspondence, (2) requisitions and other fiscal records, (3) reference materials, (4) samples of institutional publications, (5) chaplain's evaluation and other reports, (6) education survey data, (7) brochures and pamphlets, (8) copies of forms employed by the Division and other government agencies, and (9) statistical data and other records which document the operation of the Training and Development Division. Impressive efforts were taken by this Division to...
Dates: Created: 1963-1967
Found in: Georgia Archives

Prisons - Training and Development - Reports and Test Materials

Identifier: 021-07-032
Scope and Contents This series contains annual, monthly and weekly statistical reports, weekly reports of academic activities, testing results and other progress reports which were either compiled by the Training and Development Office or were sent to it by the training officials of the various prison branches. Since the office's chief function was to educate Corrections Department personnel and inmates of the Georgia prison system, this series documents for a relatively brief period the mission oriented...
Dates: Created: 1963-1966
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Auditor's Annual Reports

Identifier: 026-19-041
Scope and Contents These are the annual reports of the examinations of accounts. The audits cover the Department of Public Health and any special funds or separately funded organizational subdivisions administered by the Department. Until the audit of 1923 accounts the audits were made by a commercial auditor: afterwards the Georgia Department of Audits performed the examination. The reports contain an accounting of all receipts and disbursements. In the early years expenditures are more or less listed item by...
Dates: Created: 1919-1968
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Contracts, Bonds and Escrow

Identifier: 026-19-173
Dates: Created: 1932-1970
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Director's Administrative Records

Identifier: 026-19-038
Scope and Contents This series contains a majority of correspondence along with reports, charts and similar reports of the Director of the Office of Administration. Prior to about 1966, this office was known as the Division of Administration and Finance. The records relate to the providing of administrative support services to the various subdivisions of the Department of Public Health. Particularly, the papers concern such functions as: (1) fiscal and budgetary control and coordination; (2) coordination of...
Dates: Created: 1966-1973
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Film Library Films and Recordings

Identifier: 026-19-081
Scope and Contents

Please contact the Georgia Archives before your visit. The Georgia Archives does not have a reel-to-reel film reader. Special accommodations will have to be made for your visit.

Dates: Other: no date
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Ledgers, Receipts and Disbursements

Identifier: 026-19-047
Scope and Contents This series consists of accounts for the Georgia State Board of Health, later to become the Georgia Department of Public Health (now a division of the Georgia Department of Human Resources). Included are accounts related to various financial activities of the Department. Receipts are directly related official activities of the Department while disbursements cover transactions related to the purchase of office supplies and petty cash expenditures. Some accounts do not include specific...
Dates: Created: 1916-1924
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Medicaid Check Vouchers

Identifier: 026-19-159
Dates: Created: 1970-1971
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - Medicaid Reports

Identifier: 026-19-118
Scope and Contents The Georgia Medical Assistance Program was created in 1968. Its primary purpose was to cooperate with the U.S. government in an effort to provide medical care services as part of a larger social goal to rehabilitate the poverty stricken citizens in Georgia. The newsletter is a fairly typical newsletter, it has short notes of interest for recipients of medicaid and for professional personnel working with such recipients. The issues comprising this series, their volume, number and date of...
Dates: Created: 1970
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Administration and Finance - State Board of Social Security Minutes

Identifier: 026-19-043
Scope and Contents This series contains the minutes of the meetings of the State Board of Social Security. The Board was scheduled to meet monthly but only did so if the work load warranted it. The minutes are contained in bound volumes. The Board of Social Security was established by Georgia Law in 1943. Administratively, the Board was a component of the Department of Public Welfare. The Board ceased to exist in 1954. The minutes are a transcription of all actions taken and all resolutions made by the Board....
Dates: Created: 1943-1954
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Advisory Council - Administrative Records

Identifier: 026-23-052
Scope and Contents This Council was created on January 8, 1960 to replace the former Council of Service Directors, which had existed since the early 1950's. The ex-officio members of the Council from the Department of Public Health are: (1) the Deputy Director (2) the Assistant to the Director (3) the Director, Division of Mental Health (4) the Deputy Civil Defense Director and (5) the Director Emeritus. The members of the Council from outside the Department are: (1) an engineer (2) a dentist (3) a hospital...
Dates: Created: 1953-1971
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Advisory Council - Minutes

Identifier: 026-23-156
Scope and Contents

Minutes of the Third Meeting of Hospital Care Advisory Council, August 14, 1957.

Dates: Created: 1957
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Air Pollution Section - Industrial Hygiene Service Files

Identifier: 026-45-151
Dates: Created: 1960-1967
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Alto State Hospital - State Tuberculosis Sanatorium Blueprints

Identifier: 026-13-019
Scope and Contents

This series consists of blue prints of the state Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Alto, Georgia. They include the entire property and indicate all buildings and the contour of the land. Two companies were apparently involved in their drawing, Solomon-Norcross Company, Engineers of Atlanta and Scopes Feustman, Architects of New York. They are not dated but were found in Gov. Joseph Mackey Brown's papers so must date from the period when he was in office.

Dates: Created: 1909-1913
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - Annual Reports

Identifier: 026-12-006
Scope and Contents This series contains the annual reports of the chief State mental institution located in Milledgeville, Georgia. This institution, now known as Central State Hospital, has changed its name four times in the course of its history. The format of this report has also changed considerably over the years, although there is no complete set of issues extant today. By the late 1950'5, the emphasis of the reports had definitely shifted to statistical data. A typical issue might include (1) a...
Dates: Created: 1920-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - Board of Trustees Minutes

Identifier: 026-12-028
Scope and Contents

This series contains the minutes of the monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Central State Hospital at Milledgeville. The minutes themselves are administrative in nature and are contained in bound volumes and in original script. The texts of the various reports made to the Board are not included in the minutes but are summarized in most instances.

Dates: Created: 1872-1924
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - News Releases and Newspaper Clippings

Identifier: 026-12-137
Dates: Created: 1976-1977
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - Planning and Operations Committee Minutes

Identifier: 026-12-055
Scope and Contents Originally called the Long Range Planning Committee, it was conceived in January, 1968. It is composed of three members at the Assistant Superintendent level, who report to the Superintendent of the institution. The Committee makes reports and offers recommendations to the Superintendent and offers general guidance by means of long range determination to the various sections of the institution. The committee changed its name to Planning and Operations in August of 1969. It handles most...
Dates: Created: 1968-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - Publication Record Set Files

Identifier: 026-12-102
Dates: Created: 1945 - 1972; Majority of material found within 1969 - 1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Central State Hospital - Weekly Bulletin (Publication)

Identifier: 026-12-089
Scope and Contents This series contains a record set of the "Weekly Bulletin", the official newsletter aimed primarily at the employees of the Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia. A typical issue might contain (1) an editorial submitted by one of the administrators of the Hospital on some policy or program of the institution, (2) personnel changes, (3) announcements of changes in schedules, (4) pleas for support for charity or membership drives among the employees, (5) announcements of staff...
Dates: Created: 1966-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Certification and Licensure - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 026-46-153
Dates: Created: 1966-1967
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Chronic Diseases and Geriatric - Misc. Files

Identifier: 026-38-152
Dates: Created: 1963-1964
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Chronic Diseases and Geriatric - Subject Files

Identifier: 026-38-163
Dates: Created: 1964 - 1968
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Chronic Diseases and Geriatric - the Cancer Bulletin (Georgia Edition)

Identifier: 026-38-127
Scope and Contents This series contains bulletins of the Chronic Disease Unit, Physical Health Division, Georgia Department of Human Resources. These bulletins, entitled The Cancer Bulletin, the Georgia Edition, contain various chapters devoted exclusively to the topics of detection and treatment of different types of cancer. Each chapter is usually authored by one or more physicians who have treated or who are treating the type of cancer they write about. Each chapter concludes with a suggested reading list....
Dates: Created: 1950-1971
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Commission on Use of Human Beings - Human Subjects At Risk Files

Identifier: 026-32-064
Scope and Contents This series contains memorandums and other documents relating to the review and maintenance of proposed research and demonstrations related to the use of human beings in health institutions as subjects in departmental projects. The Committee on Use of Human Beings in Research and Demonstration under the law must review each project, (1) to account for the rights and welfare of the participating individual, (2) to ascertain the appropriateness of methods used to secure informed consent, and...
Dates: Created: 1966-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Dental Health - Dental Health Program Files

Identifier: 026-22-189
Scope and Contents This series consists of surveys initated and newspaper clipping collected by the Georgia Dental Health Program in the 1940s through 1960s. Thomas L. Hagan, the Senior Dental Surgeon of the U.S. Public Health Servicere created dental health survey reports from varying Georgia. John E. Chrietzberg, Director of Dental Public Health Services of the Department of Public Health conducted surveys from 1958-1964 through questionnaires sent to Mental Institutions, Hospitals, Care Facilities, and...
Dates: Created: 1945-1969
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Dental Health - Dental Surveys of School Children

Identifier: 026-22-049
Scope and Contents Beginning in the 1930's the Department of Public Health began an annual program of inspecting the dental needs of school children in Georgia. The Department was assisted in this project by the Georgia Dental Association, the State Department of Education, the Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers and the Agricultural Extension Service. The series contains: (1) Correspondence between the head of the Dental Health Branch and individuals involved in the project, which include: (A) County...
Dates: Created: 1941-1966
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Dental Health - Director's Administrative Records

Identifier: 026-22-050
Scope and Contents In 1921 a small group of dentists, school teachers, philanthropists and members of Parent Teacher organizations sponsored several dental surveys' in Atlanta schools. These surveys were soon adopted by other cities and counties. In 1923 the U.S. Public Health Service sent a mouth hygiene unit to 17 Georgia counties to survey the teeth of school children. In 1927 the Georgia Dental Association recommended establishment of a dental hygiene section in the Department of Public Health, and in 1928...
Dates: Created: 1930 - 1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Dental Health - Oral Cytology Education Program

Identifier: 026-22-051
Scope and Contents In September of 1964 the Branch of Dental Health, in cooperation with the Division of Dental Public Health and Resources of the United States Public Health Service, and, initially, the Emory University School of Dentistry, Dept. of Pathology sought to educate the dentists who practiced in Georgia in early oral cancer detection. The techniques used in this instruction were those of oral examination, biopsy, and oral exfoliative cytology. The objectives of the program were: (1) to encourage...
Dates: Created: 1964-1967
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Director's Office - County Board of Health Appointments

Identifier: 026-02-130
Scope and Contents This series consists of correspondence between County Health Department Directors, District Health Directors, and the Georgia Department of Public Health Director documenting the appointment and certification of members of County Boards of Health. This function of the Georgia Department of Public Health was assumed by the Department of Community Services of the Department of Human Resources after 1972. Later, the Department of Family and Children Services took over creation of these...
Dates: Created: 1943-1970
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Director's Office - Deputy Director's Correspondence Files

Identifier: 026-02-031
Scope and Contents This series, obviously only a portion of a much larger file, contains correspondence and memorandums, both incoming and copies of outgoing, minutes of policy and other departmental meetings, publications, copies of news articles, health studies, by laws of department councils and committees, council membership lists, rules and regulations governing state health facilities, trip reports and other records from the office of the Deputy Director of the Department of Public Health. Much of the...
Dates: Created: 1960-1961
Found in: Georgia Archives

Public Health - Director's Office - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 026-02-003
Scope and Contents The general administrative records of the Director of the Georgia Department of Public Health include: (1) correspondence, (2) memoranda, (3) circulars, (4) reports, (5) studies, (6) statistical tables, and (7) other papers. The papers primarily relate to the overall administration of the Department and its organizational subdivisions and include such documents as: (1) correspondence and memoranda between the Director and the heads of the organizational units (2) annual and special reports...
Dates: Created: 1935-1971
Found in: Georgia Archives

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Georgia Archives 3352
Georgia Archives Manuscript Collections 774
German 1
Italian 1
University System 188
Education 162
Public Health 158
Examining Boards 153
Governor 151
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Secretary of State 133
Georgia Archives 76
MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) 75
Department of Family and Children Services 72
Western & Atlantic Railroad 70
Legislature 69
Insurance Commissioner 63
Gilmer County (Ga.) 58
Butts County (Ga.) 57
Franklin County (Ga.) 56
Surveyor General 56
Bulloch County (Ga.) 53
Defense 53
Hancock County (Ga.) 52
Public Service Commission 51
Human Resources 49
Baldwin County (Ga.) 43
Industry and Trade 41
Transportation 40
Parks and Historic Sites 39
Office of Planning and Budget 38
Agriculture 37
Mental Health 37
Treasury Department 35
Mines, Mining, and Geology 34
Walton County (Ga.) 32
Confederate Pensions and Records 30
Revenue 30
Environmental Protection Division 29
Community Affairs 28
Prisons 28
Jasper County (Ga.) 27
Natural Resources 27
Clayton County (Ga.) 23
Labor 23
U.S. Government 22
Audits 21
Pardons and Parole Board 21
Wilkes County (Ga.) 21
Colonial Government 20
Law 20
Bartow County (Ga.) 19
Public Safety 19
Constitutional Revision Committee 18
DeKalb County (Ga.) 17
Dougherty County (Ga.) 17
Henry County (Ga.) 17
Vocational Rehabilitation 17
Morgan County (Ga.) 16
Veterans Services' 16
Department of Game and Fish 15
Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial Celebration 15
Washington County (Ga.) 15
Chattahoochee County (Ga.) 14
Corrections 13
Stewart County (Ga.) 13
Court of Appeals 12
Georgia. Supreme Court 12
State Property Control Commission 11
Oglethorpe County (Ga.) 10
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (Ga.) 9
Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission. GSFIC 9
Montgomery County (Ga.) 9
Richmond County (Ga.) 9
Bibb County (Ga.) 8
Forest Research Council 8
Lieutenant Governor 8
Youth Services 8
Chatham County (Ga.) 7
Civil War Centennial Commission 7
Clarke County (Ga.) 7
Columbia County (Ga.) 7
Employees Retirement System 7
Georgia Historical Commission 7
Georgia Merit System 7
Heard County (Ga.) 7
Banking and Finance 6
Department of Administrative Services 6
Jackson County (Ga.) 6
Jefferson County (Ga.) 6
McIntosh County (Ga.) 6
Stone Mountain Memorial Association (Georgia) 6
Warren County (Ga.) 6
Wilcox County (Ga.) 6
Fulton County (Ga.) 5
Georgia Advisory Council on Vocational Education 5
Groveland Lake Development Authority 5
Judicial Council of Georgia 5
Atlanta Regional Commission 4
Civil War Miscellany 4
Cobb County (Ga.) 4
Georgia Building Authority 4
Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities 4
Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority 4
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission 4
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