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Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-21-039
Scope and Contents

This series contains documents defining policies and procedures, as well as directives, speeches, appointments, studies and correspondence recording the implementation of these policies and procedures and relating to all phases of responsibility of the Division of Planning and Marketing. In order to gain a complete grasp of the planning process undertaken by the Division, one is compelled to see all of the series in this sub-group.

Dates: Created: 1974-1983
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - Governmental and Agency Planning Liaison Files

Identifier: 087-21-036
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, working papers and other records documenting coordination of planning and policy formulation between the Metropolltan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and other governmental and non-governmental agencies. This series is but one in a set of five in all which together document the entire planning and marketing operations of the Division of Plannlng and Marketing.

Dates: Created: 1971-1982
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - Marketing and Operations Planning Files

Identifier: 087-21-038
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, working papers and other records documenting the development and implementation of transit marketing and service development plans and programs.

Dates: Created: 1975-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - Marta Station Plan Files

Identifier: 087-21-040
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, working papers and other records documenting the coordination of planning and policy formulation and development of guidelines and criteria for the design and construction of rapid transit stations and line segments.

Dates: Created: 1975-1983
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - Regional Transportation Planning Files

Identifier: 087-21-037
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, working papers and other records relating to regional development and transportation planning included as components of regional plans.

Dates: Created: 1972-1986
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Marketing - System Wide Design and Operation Planning Files

Identifier: 087-21-041
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, working papers and other records relating to the coordination of planning and policy formulation, the development of guidelines and criteria for the design, construction and procurement of systemwide facilities and equipment and the development of operating standards and procedures.

Dates: Created: 1971-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - Assistant General Manager's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-09-015
Scope and Contents This series includes records establishing policies and procedures, directives, speech texts, appointments and correspondence documenting all areas of responsibility of the Assistant General Mqnager for the Departqent of Planning and Public Affairs. This department is of a supportive nature and, as the name implies, supervises the vital areas of planning and community relations, including the dissemination of public information and coordination with the Federal Urban Mass Transit Authority...
Dates: Created: 1973-1988
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - Newspaper Clippings

Identifier: 087-09-024
Scope and Contents

This series contains newspaper clippings and news releases documenting one of the chief missions of the Department of Planning and Public Affairs, the dissemination and collection of information on rapid transit matters in general and the building of the Atlanta system in particular.

Dates: Created: 1974-1987
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - Rapid Transit Progress (Publication)

Identifier: 087-09-011
Scope and Contents This newsletter of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority is usually four pages in length. All subjects connected with the development of a rapid transit system are discussed, including designs of rolling stock, reports on progress of systems in other cities, MARTA referendums, planning sessions, budgetary matters and the first groundbreaking in Atlanta. Continuing features include articles answering questions from the public concerning the MARTA system, "MARTA Action" reporting...
Dates: Created: 1966-1968
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - Rapid Transit System

Identifier: 087-09-013
Scope and Contents

This bound set of plans was prepared by Parsons-Brinckerhoff-Tudor- Bechtel, general engineering consultants for MARTA. The set includes drawings and profiles of all sections of all projected lines in the system, as well as drawings of typical structures and storage areas connected with the system. An interesting feature is the set of aerial photographs with the line route and stations superimposed on them.

Dates: Created: 1971-1973
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - Staff Services Subject Files

Identifier: 087-09-044
Scope and Contents This series contains (1) policies, (2) procedures, (3) directives, (4) speeches, (5) appointments, (6) maps, and (7) correspondence relating to all areas of responsibility of the Assistant General Manager of Staff Services of MARTA which has since been merged into the Department of Planning and Public Affairs. To be found in this series, and this list is not inclusive. are files relating to (1) advertising, (2) accounting firms, (3) associations, (4) Atlanta Area Transportation Study, (5)...
Dates: Created: 1966-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Planning and Public Affairs - UMTA Relations Subject Files

Identifier: 087-09-042
Scope and Contents Thls series contains correspondence, biographical sketches of Urban Mass Transit Authority officials, committee records, complaints, guidelines, budget records, news releases, minutes of staff and other meetings, publications, reports, resolutions, rosters of minority contractors, copies of speeches, records concerning transit systems in other cities and other records. These records document the vital coordination of efforts between the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and the...
Dates: Created: 1971-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Program Control - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-05-006
Scope and Contents This series consists of the subject files of the director of the Division of Program Control. Records in this series relate to the following duties of the Division director: (1) Regulation of transit system development concerning time and cost restraints, (2) Controlling procedures to facilitate project completion, (3) Monitoring program contracts, including engineering consultants, for adherance to cost schedule and performance objectives, and (4) Administering information systems to...
Dates: Created: 1973-1986
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Public Information - Annual Reports

Identifier: 087-10-012
Scope and Contents

These published annual reports are similar to those of other State departments. They summarize activities and accomplishments of the Authority for the past year and look ahead to accomplishments in the future. They include further, a report from the Chairman of the Board of Directors, names and pictures of members of the Board and a statement of assets, liabilities and fund balances as well as the progress reports and predictions for the future.

Dates: Created: 1973-1974
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Public Information - Mule to Marta (Publication)

Identifier: 087-10-097
Scope and Contents This series contains the volumes originally commissioned by Henry L. Taylor, deputy assistant general manager of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and former vice president and secretary treasurer of the former Atlanta Transit System. Later Parsons/Brinckerhoff/Tudor/Bechtel, prime engineering consulting firm for MARTA, added financing to the project and contributed its public information officer, Mr. Jean Martin, to serve as author. Volume I is divided into two parts. Part 1,...
Dates: Created: 1975-1977
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Public Information - Publications

Identifier: 087-10-064
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous publications belonging to the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority.

Dates: Created: 1954-1984
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Public Information - Rider's Digest (Publication)

Identifier: 087-10-051
Scope and Contents This series consists of unbound newsletters pub1 ished bi-weekly by the Public Information Office. Over the years the format has changed on these small one-sheet publications, but they usually contain (1) current information on MARTA'S doings, (2) letters from riders commending MARTA on its safe and courteous drivers, (3) community news and calendars of events, (4) schedules, (5) jokes and puzzles, (6) announcements of safe driver award winners and (7) future plans for MARTA. These...
Dates: Created: 1973-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Real Estate Division - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-11-028
Scope and Contents

This series contains correspondence files, weekly reports, audit reports, committee meeting reports and individual case files relating to appraisal, acquisition, demolition, restoration, management and relocation of properties purchased by MARTA to carry out its program of rapid transit construction.

Dates: Created: 1974-1987
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Real Estate Division - Real Estate Public Hearing Files

Identifier: 087-11-046
Scope and Contents This series contains public hearing files of the Real Estate Division, Program Coordinating Section. These files relate to MARTA's public hearings, both community and relocation, with properfy owners and tenants who were affected by the construction of the transit system. Included in these f i l e s are (1) dates, times and locations of hearings, (2) analysis of public hearing attendances, (3) break down of parcel numbers, street addresses, and owner and/or tenant names, (4) form letter sent...
Dates: Created: 1973-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - T/O, T E/E, & Special Services - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-22-047
Scope and Contents This series contains (1) analyses, (2) reports, (3) studies, (4) checklists, (5) charts, (6) worksheets, (7) budgets (8) action plans, (9) bound studies, (10) graphs, (11) schedules, (12) guidelines, (13) surveys, (14) timetables, (15) inquiries, (16) statistics and (17) correspondence relatinq to all areas of responsibility of the Division Director of Transportation, Engineering and Evaluation. More specifically, and this list is not inclusive, these files relate to (1) accidents, (2) the...
Dates: Created: 1970-1985
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - T/O, T E/E, & Special Services - Elderly and Handicapped Advisory Committee Minutes

Identifier: 087-22-043
Scope and Contents This series contains minutes and supporting papers of the quarterly and specially held meetings of the Elderly and Handicapped Advisory Committee. The minutes of this committee, composed of elderly and handicapped persons and representatives of agencies and organizations dealing directly with the needs of handicapped persons, document specific recommendations made as to how MARTA can make its system accessible to the elderly and handicapped population it serves and comply with legal mandates...
Dates: Created: 1975-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Transit Operation - Assistant General Manager's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-07-033
Scope and Contents This series contains correspondence, reports, plans, publications, committee minutes and other records documenting all areas of interest and responsibility of the Assistant General Manager for Transit Operations of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. This officer is responsible for the management and operation of the bus and rail systems of the authority, not only providing regular service, but also charter and sightseeing service, services for the elderly and handicapped and...
Dates: Created: 1973-1984
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Transit Operation - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-07-056
Scope and Contents This series consists of: (1) divisional policies and procedures (5) studies (2) directives (6) reports (3) speeches (7) general correspondence (4) appointments These files relate to all areas of responsibility the Director of the Division of Transportaticn has in his administration, implementation and coordination of daily activities within the Department of Transit Operations. The Transportation Division is charged with the responsibility of providing public transportation to the citizens...
Dates: Created: 1959-1988
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Transit Operation - Real Estate Acquisition Files

Identifier: 087-07-014
Scope and Contents

This series contains documents relating to the acquisition of real property by the Atlanta Transit System, Inc. Included are deeds to parcels of real estate, land plats, descriptions, lease agreements and related correspondence.

Dates: Created: 1921-1972
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Transit System Development - Subject Files

Identifier: 087-12-017
Scope and Contents This series consists of the subject file of the assistant general manager (director) of the Department of Transit System Development. Included are reports, correspondence, memorandums, agreements and contracts, plans, and meeting minutes all relating to the development of a long-range rapid rail system. The assistant general manager is responsible for the direction and control of all activity relating to the development of a rapid transit system. The Department of Transit System Development...
Dates: Created: 1972-1980
Found in: Georgia Archives

Marta (Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority) - Treasury Services - Director's Subject Files

Identifier: 087-26-054
Scope and Contents This series consists of (1) Divisional policies and procedures, (2) directives, (3) speeches, (4) appointments, (5) memorandums, (6) civil proceedings, (7) reports, (8) studies and (9) general correspondence documenting all areas and responsibilities of MARTA's Treasury Division. The Division Director is responsible for implementing, coordinating and administering the operations and management of the Treasury Services Division. Specifically, this Division has the duties of developing and...
Dates: Created: 1972-FY85
Found in: Georgia Archives

Martha Collum midwifery register

Identifier: 1980-0043M
Scope and Contents

The register is in roughly alphabetical order by parents's surname, followed by the child's name and birth date. There is also a photograph of Martha.

Dates: 1872 - 1903

Martha Crowell Wright letter

Identifier: 1978-0419M-b
Scope and Contents

Wright writes to her son, describing life in "Camp Seco," a California mining camp where she was the only "American" woman. In the course of the letter she relates a trip she took with "Major Wright" and "Thomas" to see some "big trees" (possibly redwoods) 35 miles away.

Dates: 1854

Martha Harper (Mrs. John) Baldwin diary typescript

Identifier: 1975-0140M
Scope and Contents

The first few pages of the diary concern Georgia and Cherokee Indian territory. Also included are a letter from Martha to her future second husband, Alfred Shorter, and news articles about this diary and the Shorters.

Dates: 1831, 1834, and 1932; Majority of material found in 1831

Martha Lou Houston genealogical papers

Identifier: 1971-0075M
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of only a small portion of the records created by Martha Lou Houston, genealogist, in the course of her work. After her death, her niece disbursed the collection among institutions thought to be most appropriate. Families researched are: Bradford, Bradley, Dickson, Gay, Marshall, Murphy, Wells, and Wooten, mostly in the Southeast. A portion of the notes concerns the Land family of Iowa and Missouri and was once in the possession of Estelle Land Cobb.

Dates: 1927-1951

Martha (Mrs. James) Gardner receipts

Identifier: 1968-0073M
Scope and Contents

Receipts for purchases of a wagon, a cart, and a pair of mares, all from New York City, NY, in June 1884.

Dates: 1884

Mary Carter Winter Papers

Identifier: 1964-0058M
Scope and Contents The collection contains newspaper and magazine clippings of some of Winter's articles, research notes, correspondence, photographs, and her manuscripts for articles, short stories, and longer works, most of it created in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, where she worked for much of her career. Letters from fellow journalist, William Buehler Seabrook, reveal her frustration at being allowed to do only women's stories on the newspaper. A 1911 ATLANTA CONSTITUTION article was titled "Why...
Dates: 1797-1843, 1900-1970, and n.d.; Majority of material found within 1935 - 1960

Mary Elizabeth (Lizzie) Mangum (Mrs. James R. D.) Ozburn family papers

Identifier: 1972-0250M
Scope and Contents

The collection contains correspondence, diaries, legal documents, and genealogical material relating to the Ozburn, Mangum, Connally, and Spalding families. Included are slave records and references to children, medical services, amusements and holidays, Radford J. Crockett's execution, the liquor and medicine businesses, and African Americans after the war.

Dates: 1845-1921

Mary Joe Downer incoming letters and papers

Identifier: 1970-0054M
Scope and Contents This collection includes extensive incoming letters and typescripts to school-aged Mary Joe in Cedartown, Georgia, from family and friends in Rome, Georgia, Huntsville, Marion, and Tuskeegee, Alabama, and many other places, concerning domestic and school news and activities. A few of the 1877 letters are from sisters Lucy and Sallie in Cedartown to Mary Joe after her marriage. The collection also contains a small amount of information on: Rebecca Jane Day Whitely, early Columbus, Georgia,...
Dates: 1860-1877; Majority of material found in 1872-1877

Mary Letitia Ross papers

Identifier: 1973-0163M-a
Scope and Contents Personal correspondence, maps, photostats and transcripts of documents from Spanish and Latin American archives, correspondence with Herbert Eugene Bolton (Ross's mentor, an American historian), notes from reading, and other papers pertaining to Ross's work on the history of the Spanish occupation of the southeastern United States, especially Georgia and Florida.This collection is organized into four series: I. Family Papers. II. Personal Papers. III. Business Papers. IV....
Dates: 1561-1977, bulk 1561-1725 and 1920-1970

Mary V. and Thomas G. Rawlins family papers

Identifier: 1971-0024M
Scope and Contents

This collection includes family letters from daughters, Annie and Minnie, in Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, home to Atlanta. Also included are letters from Fisher and Drew, relatives in Cave Spring, Georgia, and Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. Additional included is a dry goods bill and two calling cards.

Dates: 1880-1887

Mary Virginia Brown (Mrs. Elijah Lewis) Connally organizational papers

Identifier: 0000-0140M
Scope and Contents

These are papers from organizations of which Mary B. Connally was treasurer: the Industrial Educational Loan Association, Fulton County, Georgia, and the Grady Hospital Aid Association. Correspondence includes letters from some of the girls, particularly Rosa B. Holmes, who received loans to attend the Georgia Normal and Industrial College in Milledgeville.

Dates: 1892 - 1906; Majority of material found in 1892 - 1899

Mary Wealthy Bradley Van Valkenbugh letters

Identifier: 1974-0141M
Scope and Contents

Letters from Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, to in-laws in the North, describing conditions of Georgia family members.

Dates: 1865-1866

Mason family papers

Identifier: 1980-0042M
Scope and Contents

Primarily letters from John Silas Mason, United States Army in the Philippines, to his sister, Esta Mason McCallum in Atlanta and his parents in Canton, Georgia, concerning the American occupation during the 1907 - 1909 insurrection of the native Moslem Moros. Also includes an 1895 letter from Esta, a broadside announcing a play by Willie McCallum Tuggle, and a brief history of the Holly Springs Baptist Church.

Dates: 1895, 1907 - 1909, and n.d.

Mathias Slaten letter

Identifier: 1967-0266M
Scope and Contents The letter was written by Mathias Slaten while he was at Gregory's Diggins, Colorado, and is addressed to his wife, Bethena Elizabeth Adams, who was at the family home in Georgia. The letter reports Mathias' attempt to earn money in mining or other work near what later became Denver, Colorado. The location where Mathias wrote from was named for John H. Gregory of Georgia, who discovered gold in Colorado on May 6, 1859.In his letter, Mathias mentions William Green Russell, Mer...
Dates: 1859

McAfee family papers

Identifier: 1970-0253M
Scope and Contents

This collection includes estate papers, land records, incoming correspondence, and genealogical information, including a family history on the McAfee family of Washington County, Georgia, and Alabama.

Dates: 1857-1961

McCalla family papers

Identifier: 1976-0198M
Scope and Contents

Letters, legal documents and receipts belonging to the McCalla (or McCally) family. Included are: an 1841 slave bill of sale for Sukey and child; an 1843 Samuel McCalla will; and half a dozen letters to Mathew and Greenberry McCalla from relatives and friends who had immigrated to other counties and states.

Dates: 1840-1895; Majority of material found in 1854-1866

McClatchey family papers

Identifier: 1971-0601M
Scope and Contents

Included in this collection are the Civil War diary (1864-1865) of Minerva Rowles McClatchey during Sherman's advance on Atlanta, correspondence among family members (1861-1864) when two of her sons were in the army, and later reminiscences of the war and the Reconstruction period. Papers also include Rowles family genealogy.

Dates: 1841-1866, 1908-1967, and n.d.; Majority of material found in 1861-1866

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Georgia Archives 3352
Georgia Archives Manuscript Collections 776
German 1
Italian 1
University System 188
Education 162
Public Health 158
Examining Boards 153
Governor 151
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Secretary of State 133
Georgia Archives 76
MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) 75
Department of Family and Children Services 72
Western & Atlantic Railroad 70
Legislature 69
Insurance Commissioner 63
Gilmer County (Ga.) 58
Butts County (Ga.) 57
Franklin County (Ga.) 56
Surveyor General 56
Bulloch County (Ga.) 53
Defense 53
Hancock County (Ga.) 52
Public Service Commission 51
Human Resources 49
Baldwin County (Ga.) 43
Industry and Trade 41
Transportation 40
Parks and Historic Sites 39
Office of Planning and Budget 38
Agriculture 37
Mental Health 37
Treasury Department 35
Mines, Mining, and Geology 34
Walton County (Ga.) 32
Confederate Pensions and Records 30
Revenue 30
Environmental Protection Division 29
Community Affairs 28
Prisons 28
Jasper County (Ga.) 27
Natural Resources 27
Clayton County (Ga.) 23
Labor 23
U.S. Government 22
Audits 21
Pardons and Parole Board 21
Wilkes County (Ga.) 21
Colonial Government 20
Law 20
Bartow County (Ga.) 19
Public Safety 19
Constitutional Revision Committee 18
DeKalb County (Ga.) 17
Dougherty County (Ga.) 17
Henry County (Ga.) 17
Vocational Rehabilitation 17
Morgan County (Ga.) 16
Veterans Services' 16
Department of Game and Fish 15
Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial Celebration 15
Washington County (Ga.) 15
Chattahoochee County (Ga.) 14
Corrections 13
Stewart County (Ga.) 13
Court of Appeals 12
Georgia. Supreme Court 12
State Property Control Commission 11
Oglethorpe County (Ga.) 10
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (Ga.) 9
Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission. GSFIC 9
Montgomery County (Ga.) 9
Richmond County (Ga.) 9
Bibb County (Ga.) 8
Forest Research Council 8
Lieutenant Governor 8
Youth Services 8
Chatham County (Ga.) 7
Civil War Centennial Commission 7
Clarke County (Ga.) 7
Columbia County (Ga.) 7
Employees Retirement System 7
Georgia Historical Commission 7
Georgia Merit System 7
Heard County (Ga.) 7
Stone Mountain Memorial Association (Georgia) 7
Banking and Finance 6
Department of Administrative Services 6
Jackson County (Ga.) 6
Jefferson County (Ga.) 6
McIntosh County (Ga.) 6
Warren County (Ga.) 6
Wilcox County (Ga.) 6
Fulton County (Ga.) 5
Georgia Advisory Council on Vocational Education 5
Groveland Lake Development Authority 5
Judicial Council of Georgia 5
Atlanta Regional Commission 4
Civil War Miscellany 4
Cobb County (Ga.) 4
Georgia Building Authority 4
Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities 4
Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority 4
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission 4
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