Found in 69 Collections and/or Records:
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Censure Case Records, Senator Roscoe E. Dean
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Committee on Economics and Efficiency Reports
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - House Intra-Governmental Coordination Committee
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - House Standing Committee Minutes
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Railroads Report
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Reports and Investigations
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Reports, Summary Committee
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Senate Standing Committee Minutes
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Vital Areas Council Report
Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Western and Atlantic Railroad Reports
Legislature - Constitutional Convention - Ordinances, Resolutions and Committee Reports
Legislature - Constitutional Convention - Records
Conventions were called by action of the State Legislature for several reasons, the most prevalent being to improve existing state constitutions or to write new ones. The Convention of 1787 was called to ratify the United States Constitution. Two conventions, one in 1850 and one in 1861, convened to consider the problems of states rights and secession.
Legislature - Corporation Code Revision Commission - Code Drafts
This series contains drafts of the revisions of individual sections of the corporation code. In most sections there are comparisons between the provisions of the present Georgia corporation code and those of other states. In some instances, there are several proposed revisions of a section.
Legislature - Corporation Code Revision Commission - Correspondence
This series contains the correspondence of the coporation code revision commission. It includes correspondence with Professor Pasco M. Bowman of the University of Georgia, Professor Sigman Cohn of the University of Georgia, and Secretary of State Ben W. Fortson.
Legislature - Criminal Law Study Commission - Minutes
see Record Group 96/6/9
Legislature - Election Laws Study, 1961-62 - Reference Material
This series contains materials used for reference by the Election Laws Study Committee of 1961-62. Included are: report of special committee on voting laws of the National Association of Secretaries of State, 1961; Georgia laws relating to elections, 1956-61; pamphlets on "Elections" (League of Women Voters) and "Voter Registration" (University of Georgia) in Georgia.
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Committee Files
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Correspondence
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Election Certification
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Invoices
The invoices of the Election Laws Study Committee are the payment of the expense accounts of the committee members. Most of the vouchers are for perdiem and travel expenses.
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Minutes
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Newspaper Clippings
Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Proposed Bills and Amendments
Legislature - Fiscal Office - House of Representatives Payroll
Series consists of payrolls for six sessions between 1896 and 1941.
Legislature - Fiscal Office - Legislative Cash Books
Legislature - Fiscal Office - Senate Payroll
Series consist of senate payrolls for five sessions between 1903 and 1915.
Legislature - Georgia Safety Council - Publications
Series consist of publications: Legislature Report, OHSA Bulletins, Green Crosscurrents, and TRAF-FACTS.
Legislature - Georgia Semiquincentenary Commission - Records
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Final Reports
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - General Commission Correspondence
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - General Correspondence
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Members Correspondence Files
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Minutes
This series consists of documents relating to exploring the present tax structure and to documenting suggestions, proposals and presentations informing the Commission Members about the tax system and possible alternatives. Included are original minutes of each Commission meeting, including the Executive Committee meetings.
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Newspaper Clippings
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Public Hearings Files
Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Staff Reports
This series consists of documents relating to conducting studies and research, and preparing published reports for the Tax Reform Commission members for their consideration at scheduled meetings. Included are technical and informational reports prepared by the Commission staff.
Legislature - House and Senate - Bills and Resolutions
Legislature - House and Senate - Contested Elections
Legislature - House and Senate - Enrolled Acts and Resolutions
Series consists of original enrolled acts and resolutions of the General Assembly.
Legislature - House and Senate - Georgia General Assembly (Publication)
Legislature - House and Senate - Governor's Veto Messages and Veto Records
Legislature - House and Senate - House Audio Records
This series contains the audio tapes generated during various sessions of the Georgia House of Representatives. In most cases the House Calendars can be used as a finding aid for the tapes. The tapes are on 7" reels and have been recorded at 1 7/8 speed. There are no transcriptions.
Legislature - House and Senate - House Calendars
Legislature - House and Senate - House Correspondence
Series includes miscellaneous correspondence.
Legislature - House and Senate - House Journals
This series consists of the daily record of proceedings of the Georgia House of Representatives. Kept by the Clerk of the House, the journals have entered into them the appointments and actions of committees, introduction of bills and resolutions, motions, votes, etc. in order of their occurrence. House Journals from 1781 through 1970 (some years missing) are available on microfilm in the Reference Room.
Legislature - House and Senate - House of Representatives Weekly Legislative Report
This series contains newsletters which report summaries of the legislative activities of the Georgia House of Representatives for the previous week. Most of the information is related to the status of legislation currently before the House. In referring to this legislation, this publication includes a very brief summary of the provisions of each bill or resolution considered on a particular legislative day.
Legislature - House and Senate - IBM Keypunch Cards
Series consists of computer punch cards (data and program cards) from the 1963 session of the General Assembly.
Legislature - House and Senate - Legislative Manuals and Rosters
Legislature - House and Senate - News From the Georgia Senate (Publication)
This series is composed of newsletters which give a summary of the Senate's activities for the previous week. Most of the information is related to the status of legislation currently before the Georgia General Assembly. In referring to such legislation, the publication includes a very brief summary of the provisions of each bill or resolution.
Legislature - House and Senate - Oaths
Includes bound and loose oaths of allegiance, mostly from 1870.