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Found in 69 Collections and/or Records:

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Censure Case Records, Senator Roscoe E. Dean

Identifier: 037-08-058
Scope and Contents This series contains the records compiled by Senator Pierre Howard in the proceedings initiated by the Senate Judiciary Committee against Senator Roscoe Emory Dean, Jr. for "disorderly behavior, misconduct and acts not conducive to the interest and prosperity of the state." Included are: Senate Resolution 245 censuring Senator Dean; a copy of the 1973 indictment by the Fulton County Grand Jury citing Dean on 14 counts of "theft by taking"; a complete transcript of the 1975 jury trial of Dean...
Dates: Created: 1973-1975

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Committee on Economics and Efficiency Reports

Identifier: 037-08-052
Scope and Contents This series is composed of a bound volume containing the report and recommendations of the Committee on Economics and Efficiency. This committee was formed at the direction of the House of Representatives under the provisions of Resolutions 9 and 206 passed in the 1939 regular session of the General Assembly. These resolutions required the committee to investigate several of the State departments by examining the cost of operating each including the number of employees and salaries paid, in...
Dates: Created: 1939-1939

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - House Intra-Governmental Coordination Committee

Identifier: 037-08-102
Scope and Contents These records document the investigation of the impact of two legislative events in Georgia. The first is the recognition by the State of Georgia in 1993 of three American tribes and second, the introduction of SB 123 in the 1995-1996 session creating an Indian Housing Authority. The objectives of the Committee were to compile and study background information pertaining to various issues affecting American Indians mostly derived from state and federal law and to articulate a policy position...
Dates: Created: 1995-1996

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - House Standing Committee Minutes

Identifier: 037-08-064
Scope and Contents These volumes contain the minutes of standing committees of the Georgia House. Most entries are very brief, showing only the date of the meeting, the names of committee members present and a list of the bills and resolutions considered with the committee recommendation concerning each. A few committees kept more detailed minutes by naming persons appearing before the committee and whether they spoke for or against the proposed legislation. The number of standing committees changes from...
Dates: Created: 1874 - 2022

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Railroads Report

Identifier: 037-08-066
Scope and Contents This artificial series contains all that remains of what was probably a large number of published reports by and/or for the General Assembly and various commissions and committees thereof pertaining to railroad matters. Not surprisingly, most deal with the Western & Atlantic Railroad which, prior to 1870, was owned and operated by the state. Specifically, most of these reports were published by a special commission formed by the General Assembly to investigate a petition filed by the...
Dates: Created: 1872-1891

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Reports and Investigations

Identifier: 037-08-004
Scope and Contents This series consists of original bound and unbound reports, investigations, minutes, newspaper clippings, testimony, correspondence and claims generated by committees, commissions, and joint and special committees enacted over the years by the General Assembly. A majority of the committees were formed by a Joint Resolution of the House and Senate, a House Resolution or a Senate Resolution. Some of the major topics the committees and commissions undertook to investigate and/or report on...
Dates: Created: 1866-1968

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Reports, Summary Committee

Identifier: 037-08-035
Scope and Contents These are summary reports of standing, special, and interim committees which make inquiries and recommendations about specialized fields of interest. Each committee is created pursuant to legislative resolution. The reports generally consist of an introduction, recommendations, and conclusions. The committees attempt to study and make laws more effective and to present their comments and findings. Most of the committee reports are dated, but they uniformly lack an index or a table of...
Dates: Created: 1914-1981

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Senate Standing Committee Minutes

Identifier: 037-08-063
Scope and Contents Commonly referred to as "the green books", these volumes contain the minutes of standing committees of the Georgia Senate. Most entries are very brief, showing only the date of the meeting, the names of committee members present and a list of the bills and resolutions considered with the committee recommendation concerning each. A few committees kept more detailed minutes by naming persons appearing before the committee and whether they spoke for or against the proposed legislation. The...
Dates: Created: 1888 - 2022

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Vital Areas Council Report

Identifier: 037-08-053
Scope and Contents The Council was created by Act 609 of the 1973 General Assembly to develop criteria and standards for assuring desirable development, conservation and protection of areas designated as vital. This bound report contains: results of public hearings held at key points throughout the State; Council recommendations based on information gathered at the hearings, including: flood plain protection, sedimentation and soil erosion, and property tax changes; comparison between recommended vital areas...
Dates: Created: 1974

Legislature - Commissions and Committees - Western and Atlantic Railroad Reports

Identifier: 037-08-067
Scope and Contents This series consists of reports of the Western & Atlantic Railroad Commissioners to the Georgia General Assembly regarding re-leasing of the W & A and other dispositions. Included are two reports dated 1916 and 1917. The reports (1916's copy has actual signatures) were made by the W & A Commission to the General Assembly, approved November 30, 1915, to wit: "Be it further enacted, that the Commission created by this Act shall make full report to the General Assembly when it meets...
Dates: Created: 1916-1917

Legislature - Constitutional Convention - Ordinances, Resolutions and Committee Reports

Identifier: 037-17-034
Scope and Contents Included in this series are both the rough and final drafts of all extant original copies (formerly loose) of the ordinances, resolutions and cornittee reports of the Constitutional Convention of 1867-68. The purpose of this convention was to write a new state constitution in accordance with the provisions of the Reconstruction Act passed by the United States Congress in March, 1867. The Journal of the Convention, a copy of which is in the Main Search Room, should be used to coordinate...
Dates: Created: 1867-1868

Legislature - Constitutional Convention - Records

Identifier: 037-17-030
Scope and Contents

Conventions were called by action of the State Legislature for several reasons, the most prevalent being to improve existing state constitutions or to write new ones. The Convention of 1787 was called to ratify the United States Constitution. Two conventions, one in 1850 and one in 1861, convened to consider the problems of states rights and secession.

Dates: Created: 1787-1877

Legislature - Corporation Code Revision Commission - Code Drafts

Identifier: 037-12-023
Scope and Contents

This series contains drafts of the revisions of individual sections of the corporation code. In most sections there are comparisons between the provisions of the present Georgia corporation code and those of other states. In some instances, there are several proposed revisions of a section.

Dates: Created: 1969

Legislature - Corporation Code Revision Commission - Correspondence

Identifier: 037-12-024
Scope and Contents

This series contains the correspondence of the coporation code revision commission. It includes correspondence with Professor Pasco M. Bowman of the University of Georgia, Professor Sigman Cohn of the University of Georgia, and Secretary of State Ben W. Fortson.

Dates: Created: 1969

Legislature - Criminal Law Study Commission - Minutes

Identifier: 037-19-057
Scope and Contents

see Record Group 96/6/9

Dates: Created: 1961-1970

Legislature - Election Laws Study, 1961-62 - Reference Material

Identifier: 037-16-027
Scope and Contents

This series contains materials used for reference by the Election Laws Study Committee of 1961-62. Included are: report of special committee on voting laws of the National Association of Secretaries of State, 1961; Georgia laws relating to elections, 1956-61; pamphlets on "Elections" (League of Women Voters) and "Voter Registration" (University of Georgia) in Georgia.

Dates: Created: 1956-1962

Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Correspondence

Identifier: 037-11-018
Scope and Contents The correspondence of the Election Laws Study Committee contains the questionnaires sent to the judges of the superior courts and to the registrars and their replies, the letters sent to other states requesting the material which they had relating to their election laws, and the correspondence files of Committee Chairman Ben W. Fortson, Jr. and Counsel Frank H. Edwards. In addition to the circular letters sent to committee members concerning members, the chairman's correspondence contains...
Dates: Created: 1957

Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Election Certification

Identifier: 037-11-022
Scope and Contents This is the certification by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Constitutional Officers Election Board, that the results of the preceding General Election are correct. The speaker verifies and declares the following officers as duly elected: The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State School Superintendent, Comptroller General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Commissioner of Labor. This mimeographed copy gives the...
Dates: Created: 1970

Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Invoices

Identifier: 037-11-019
Scope and Contents

The invoices of the Election Laws Study Committee are the payment of the expense accounts of the committee members. Most of the vouchers are for perdiem and travel expenses.

Dates: Created: 1957-1959

Legislature - Election Laws Study Commission - Minutes

Identifier: 037-11-017
Scope and Contents The minutes contain detailed discussions of the meetings of the Election Laws committee, including such topics as voter qualification, absentee ballots, holding of elections, duties of clerks, voter lists and other points involving registration and voting procedures. The minutes not only are detailed reports of the points in question, but give the reasoning of the members in determining their decisions. Transcripts of the open hearing held May 23, 1957 is given and a tape recording of the...
Dates: Created: 1957 - 1958

Legislature - Fiscal Office - House of Representatives Payroll

Identifier: 037-22-085
Scope and Contents

Series consists of payrolls for six sessions between 1896 and 1941.

Dates: Created: 1896-1941

Legislature - Fiscal Office - Legislative Cash Books

Identifier: 037-22-082
Dates: Created: 1910-1962; Other: Majority of material found in 1943-1962

Legislature - Fiscal Office - Senate Payroll

Identifier: 037-22-083
Scope and Contents

Series consist of senate payrolls for five sessions between 1903 and 1915.

Dates: Created: 1903-1915

Legislature - Georgia Safety Council - Publications

Identifier: 037-23-095
Scope and Contents

Series consist of publications: Legislature Report, OHSA Bulletins, Green Crosscurrents, and TRAF-FACTS.

Dates: Created: 1970-1972

Legislature - Georgia Semiquincentenary Commission - Records

Identifier: 037-21-080
Scope and Contents The Georgia Semiquincentenary Commission was created in 1981 by the Georgia General Assembly to oversee the celebration marking the 250th Birthday of the founding of Georgia. This series consists of documents and artifacts created and collected by the Commission and includes the following (not an inclusive list): newspaper clippings of events (originals and photocopies); photographs; correspondence; minutes of meetings; reports; receipts; grants for project money; budgets; artifacts; and...
Dates: Created: 1981-1984

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Final Reports

Identifier: 037-04-076
Scope and Contents This series consists of documents relating to the publishing of the Report of Final Recommendation of the Georgia Tax Reform Commission to the General Assembly. Included are record copies of two versions of the Final Report: "Findings and Recommendations, 1979-1981," and "Report of Final Recommendations to the Georgia General Assembly, January, 1981." The Tax Reform Commission made a full study of the tax structure of the State at both the local and State level. Its work resulted in changes...
Dates: Created: 1979-1981

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - General Commission Correspondence

Identifier: 037-04-075
Scope and Contents This series consists of documents applied in gathering information and answering questions relating to Commission studies and recommendations. Included is correspondence and memoranda to and from: (1) senators, representatives, and other legislative officials (2) state agencies (3) local governments (4) special interest groups (5) the public. The correspondence and memos concern Tax Reform issues and findings of the Commission. For a statement of the function of the Georgia Tax Reform...
Dates: Created: 1978-1980

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - General Correspondence

Identifier: 037-04-073
Scope and Contents The Tax Reform Commission continued in an advisory capacity after the Final Report was presented to the General Assembly in January 1981, to provide information and assistance to members of the General Assembly. This series consists of the correspondence on information relating to tax matters after the Final Report was presented to the General Assembly. Included is correspondence to and from the Commission explaining various tax provisions, Commission recommendations, the Final Report and...
Dates: Created: 1981-1983

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Members Correspondence Files

Identifier: 037-04-074
Scope and Contents This series consists of documents informing the Commission members of staff activities and addressing individual questions concerning specific aspects of studies to the members. Included are: (1) notices of meetings (2) informational memorandums (3) correspondence containing individual comments and concerns from (4) other related general correspondence members of the Commission. For a statement of the function of the Georgia Tax Reform Commission, please see the preface page at the beginning...
Dates: Created: 1978-1981

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Minutes

Identifier: 037-04-071
Scope and Contents

This series consists of documents relating to exploring the present tax structure and to documenting suggestions, proposals and presentations informing the Commission Members about the tax system and possible alternatives. Included are original minutes of each Commission meeting, including the Executive Committee meetings.

Dates: Created: 1978-1980

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Newspaper Clippings

Identifier: 037-04-077
Scope and Contents This series consists of publicity regarding Commission activities along with other articles relating to taxes. Included are copies of clippings from various newspapers in the State regarding taxes, tax reform and the Tax Reform Commission's activities. For a statement of the function of the Georgia Tax Reform Commission, please see the preface page at the beginning of this subgroup. This series consists of publicity regarding Commission activities along with other articles relating to taxes....
Dates: Created: 1978-1983

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Public Hearings Files

Identifier: 037-04-078
Scope and Contents This series consists of documents relating to public hearings held to receive general and specific opinions from the public regarding tax reform issues and to solicit public reaction to major recommendations on Commission task force and subcommittee recommendations. Included are summaries of public hearings held in eight different cities around the State. The cities included are Rome, Athens, Atlanta, Savannah, Augusta, Tifton, Macon and Columbus. Each summary contains reports of...
Dates: Created: 1979

Legislature - Georgia Tax Reform Commission - Staff Reports

Identifier: 037-04-072
Scope and Contents

This series consists of documents relating to conducting studies and research, and preparing published reports for the Tax Reform Commission members for their consideration at scheduled meetings. Included are technical and informational reports prepared by the Commission staff.

Dates: Created: 1978-1981

Legislature - House and Senate - Bills and Resolutions

Identifier: 037-01-001
Scope and Contents This series consists of bills and resolutions introduced into both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Georgia General Assembly. Records include original bills and resolutions, vetoes since 1969, and engrossed acts since 1989-1990. The General Assembly usually convenes for two-year sessions divided into annual sittings of not more than 40 days each. Most recently, the first sitting occurs in odd-numbered years and the second in even-numbered year. Bills introduced in the...
Dates: Created: 1756 - 2022

Legislature - House and Senate - Contested Elections

Identifier: 037-01-029
Scope and Contents When seats of members of the General Assembly are contested, notification of contest, grounds and evidence are forwarded immediately by the Governor to the presiding officer of the House where the contest lies or the papers may be sent directly to the presiding officer. (Ga.L. 1894, p. 41.) This officer then refers the case to the appropriate committee of the General Assembly for deliberation and recom­mendations. Included in this series are notices of intention to contest, evidence...
Dates: Created: 1865-1962

Legislature - House and Senate - Enrolled Acts and Resolutions

Identifier: 037-01-015
Scope and Contents

Series consists of original enrolled acts and resolutions of the General Assembly.

Dates: Created: 1777-2021

Legislature - House and Senate - Georgia General Assembly (Publication)

Identifier: 037-01-061
Scope and Contents This series is composed of brochures which present information concerning the General Assembly. This information includes a brief essay depicting the procedure in which legislation is enacted in each branch of the General Assembly, pictures of the officers and each house, the counties they represent, their seating arrangement in each house and other pertinent information of a similar nature. The publication also includes a list of committees and a list of the members of each committee. The...
Dates: Created: 1967-1974

Legislature - House and Senate - Governor's Veto Messages and Veto Records

Identifier: 037-01-016
Scope and Contents Veto messages are in the form of letters from the Governor to the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate, depending on whether the vetoed bill or resolution is a House or a Senate bill. The message cites the bill by number and gives the Governor's reasons for the veto. Usually, the veto numbers are given also. The records of vetoes are photocopies of "Record of Acts Delivered to the Governor," a record series found in the Governor's Office records. It shows: veto number; House...
Dates: Created: 1964-1975

Legislature - House and Senate - House Audio Records

Identifier: 037-01-055
Scope and Contents

This series contains the audio tapes generated during various sessions of the Georgia House of Representatives. In most cases the House Calendars can be used as a finding aid for the tapes. The tapes are on 7" reels and have been recorded at 1 7/8 speed. There are no transcriptions.

Dates: Created: 1972-1991

Legislature - House and Senate - House Calendars

Identifier: 037-01-007
Scope and Contents This series contains original volumes of records of the House of Representatives of the Georgia General Assembly. The legislative power of the State is vested in the General Assembly which consists of the House and Senate. Within these important volumes are the bills and resolutions that eventually may become the laws of the State. Both houses of the legislature produce legislation in the form of bills and resolutions and these volumes trace their movement from one chamber to the other. At...
Dates: Created: 1866 - 2022

Legislature - House and Senate - House Correspondence

Identifier: 037-01-084
Scope and Contents

Series includes miscellaneous correspondence.

Dates: Other: no date

Legislature - House and Senate - House Journals

Identifier: 037-01-006
Scope and Contents

This series consists of the daily record of proceedings of the Georgia House of Representatives. Kept by the Clerk of the House, the journals have entered into them the appointments and actions of committees, introduction of bills and resolutions, motions, votes, etc. in order of their occurrence. House Journals from 1781 through 1970 (some years missing) are available on microfilm in the Reference Room.

Dates: Created: 1781 - 2022

Legislature - House and Senate - House of Representatives Weekly Legislative Report

Identifier: 037-01-062
Scope and Contents

This series contains newsletters which report summaries of the legislative activities of the Georgia House of Representatives for the previous week. Most of the information is related to the status of legislation currently before the House. In referring to this legislation, this publication includes a very brief summary of the provisions of each bill or resolution considered on a particular legislative day.

Dates: Created: 1978-1979

Legislature - House and Senate - IBM Keypunch Cards

Identifier: 037-01-090
Scope and Contents

Series consists of computer punch cards (data and program cards) from the 1963 session of the General Assembly.

Dates: Created: 1963

Legislature - House and Senate - Legislative Manuals and Rosters

Identifier: 037-01-008
Scope and Contents These various published booklets are designed to aid the legislators in the performance of their duties. Though the content varies from year to year and in some years several volumes are published supplementing and even duplicating information presented, most often the manuals contain: rosters of members of the Senate and House and their respective constituencies; the standing committees and their members; the rules of each chamber; and the Constitution of the State of Georgia. The manuals...
Dates: Created: 1882-1978

Legislature - House and Senate - News From the Georgia Senate (Publication)

Identifier: 037-01-101
Scope and Contents

This series is composed of newsletters which give a summary of the Senate's activities for the previous week. Most of the information is related to the status of legislation currently before the Georgia General Assembly. In referring to such legislation, the publication includes a very brief summary of the provisions of each bill or resolution.

Dates: Created: 1974-1979

Legislature - House and Senate - Oaths

Identifier: 037-01-011
Scope and Contents

Includes bound and loose oaths of allegiance, mostly from 1870.

Dates: Created: 1870-1965; Other: Majority of material found in 1870